
A Family Genealogy

The Tyrrell Kids Fsmily History is a genealogy of James, Donna Sue and Richard Tyrrell. Our family history begins with the Iuen, Fetter, and Ferree families on our grandmother's side and with the Craver and Brown families on our grandfather's side. The following is a brief summary and an index to the family genralogies. IUEN Jean Christian Iuen was born October 26, 1785 in the Tyrolean region of Austria. Christian, as he was known, married Marguerite Natherer on September 16, 1817 in Belfort, France. They had eight children, three boys and five girls. Four of the girls died before the age of two and Marguerite died at the early age of forty-four. On May 23, 1838 Christian arrived in New York on the bark Dido with his second wife Catherine, his three sons Francis, Joseph, Jean Baptiste and his only daughter, Marie Ursele (Ursala) Iuen. Christian purchased a 142 acre farm in Owensville, Ohio. Francis opened a store and a hotel. Joseph became a farmer


A genealogy is not a book you can read. It's a "family tree" that has to be studied, For this web site, I wrote many of the stories summarizing family trees like the one found on pages 135 and 136 of The Christian Iuebn Family History . Some stories were copied from sources and some from documents like Elizabeth Craver's obituary. Use your browser's "back arrow" when returning from a link. I hope you enjoy the stories. Sources The Christian Iuen and Joseph Fetter family histories are from the book The Christian Iuen Family History . The genealogy was compiled by Carol Marquett Glover of Greensboro, North Carolina and her daughter Virginia Cook Marquett of Terrace Park, Ohio. The book is currently available in the Clermount County Public Library, Cincnnati, Ohio, The First Edition was published in 1979. The Second Edition was published in 1987. Local cemetaries provided dates and clues. Records of the Clermont County Probate Court t